These are the movies I enjoyed the most and felt that I need to leave a comment. I do not intend to call this a review, but probably these are my strong opinions and these movies are just my recommendations to movie buffs.

The Motorcycle Diaries

The journey of a man which changed his life forever! What more one could write about this movie with the preceding line aptly describing the movie?

I feel this movie is not for fervent communists. This movie never talks about communism or any sort of propaganda is induced towards socialism. It only describes the situations and events the protagonist went through his journey which ultimately transformed him.

The movie never debates about Communism, Marxism or Capitalism but after seeing this movie, I felt that I’ve moved an inch closer towards socialism.

I loved the below quote from ‘The Daily Telegraph’, which subtly describes this movie.

The Motorcycle Diaries may not provide any satisfactory answers as to how a 23-year-old medical student went on to become arguably most famous revolutionary of the latter half of the 20th Century, but it has an undeniable charm in that it imbues the memories of youth with a sense of altruism and purity – which are complemented by the scenery. It's an incomplete portrait to be sure, but it's a gorgeous depiction of two best friends riding unknowingly into the history books.

The Shawshank Redemption

A must watch for all the stereotypes. Even for the tough nuts watching this film would be a morale booster.

The film traverses a period of four decades, yet one does not tend to feel the transition of ages. Never once would someone feel boredom at any point watching this film.

What does this film really conveys? Each one of us can draw a source of inspiration from the film. Persistence, patience, determination, optimism, trust, friendship and above all hope. Andy was not just hoping for something to happen. Right from the days he was an inmate in the prison, he started to dig and pry.  He built the tunnel of hope for a possible escape for the unruly fate he went through his life.

Andy’s escape wasn’t a miracle and neither did happen by luck or chance. Andy dreamt to live rest of his life in Zihuatanejo and ultimately did it by his perseverance and hoped for good things.

Quotes I enjoyed:

You were right, Salvation lay within...
Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies

No Man's Land - to all bystanders

I happened to see this film 'No man's land', just for the reason it was titled under the war genre. I presumed this to be an action war movie, and it turned out to be a war drama. Nonetheless it was quite interesting from the start. Set against the backdrop of war torn Bosnia and Herzegovina, the war was really between two maniac soldiers. However there wasn't anything serious in this movie, considering the fact that the plot was based on a war. Kudos to the black humor!

The interesting part of the movie is the way the story was narrated. The message from the movie was sent out loud and clear.

"Neutrality does not exist in the face of murder. Doing nothing to stop it is, in fact, choosing". It's not only the UN which was derided, but to all bystanders we come across in life.

This movie has become one of my top favorites.


Very few movies would create a deep impact and poignancy in viewers mind. One such movie was Subramaniapuram. A thoughtfully amalgamated storyline of friendship, love and betrayal goes through numerous twists and turns, finally ending in sorrow.

One tend to feel for the protagonist and his friend, however questions arise what made them choose such a dreaded path. Was it unemployment, ignorance, society, lack of guidance, or their social-economic background? It may be difficult to answer such questions, but as long as deception and shrewdness exist one has to live with such ordeal.

Mao famously said "Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed" and this movie is an intricate example of politics and violence webbed and how deceit takes over innocence.