These are the movies I enjoyed the most and felt that I need to leave a comment. I do not intend to call this a review, but probably these are my strong opinions and these movies are just my recommendations to movie buffs.


Very few movies would create a deep impact and poignancy in viewers mind. One such movie was Subramaniapuram. A thoughtfully amalgamated storyline of friendship, love and betrayal goes through numerous twists and turns, finally ending in sorrow.

One tend to feel for the protagonist and his friend, however questions arise what made them choose such a dreaded path. Was it unemployment, ignorance, society, lack of guidance, or their social-economic background? It may be difficult to answer such questions, but as long as deception and shrewdness exist one has to live with such ordeal.

Mao famously said "Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed" and this movie is an intricate example of politics and violence webbed and how deceit takes over innocence.

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